Abstract: brimar
Text: TRIODE TYPE H.L.A.2 The BRIMAR H.L.A.2 is an indirectly heated triode valve of very robust construction. The electrode system is interlocked in such a manner that mechanical variations are impossible, ensuring no change in the electrical characteristics, and an extremely low noise level.
OCR Scan
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: Ill« II |S POWER PENTODE TYPE 7A.2 The BRIMAR type 7A.2 is an indirectly heated high efficiency power pentode capable of giving a large power output, with a grid input of approximately 10 volts R.M.S. This output is more than sufficient to operate large
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Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: TRIODE TYPE 4D.1 The BRIMAR 4D.1 is an indirectly heated triode suit able for use in A.C., universal, or automobile receivers. It is eminently suitable for use as a detector of the grid leak and condenser or anode bend grid biassed type, operating details being given overleaf.
OCR Scan
Abstract: CV2135 I960 brimar
Text: BRIMAR 2 6BR7 VALVES C u r r e n t E q u ip m e n t T y p e MAX. A 1I -16 MAX. TYPE 6BR7 M IN IATU RE L O W M IC R O P H O N Y AMPLIFIER PENTODE mr— B 9 A N o v a l B ase T h e B R IM A R type 6 B R 7 has been specially de signed fo r use in the early stages
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Full wave rectifier
Text: RIO M AX TYPE ÀL Ì < s r • Il II Rll C u rre n t E q u ip m en t T yp e 4 j, RI O MINIATURE HIGH VOLTAGE RECTIFIER B7G Base The BRIMAR type R10 is an indirectly heated half-wave rectifier of the “ all glass ” construction, fitted with a miniature type base. It is particularly suitable
OCR Scan
807 tetrode
Abstract: 807 Valve Amplifier brimar
Text: n 101 In d u stria l T y p e 'Ü S TYPE 807 U.X. BASE OUTPUT BEAM TETRODE The BRIMAR type 807 is an indirectly heated beam tetrode for use in the output stages of large audio equipment. The valve is fitted with a low-loss base and may be used as R.F. amplifier or frequency multiplier in transmitters. Above 60 Mc/s
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Brimar R2
Abstract: speaker with screen brimar
Text: Mnmu POWER PENTODE VALVE TYPE PEN.B.l The BRIMAR Pen.B.l valve has been designed to give the maximum undistorted output with the minimum consumption of H .T . current. The sensitivity of the valve is of a very high o rd er; with an input grid swing of approximately 3'2 volts R.M .S.,
OCR Scan
Abstract: brimar
Text: R.F. VARIABLE MU PENTODE TYPE 9D.2 The BRIMAR 9D.2 is an indirectly heated radio frequency pentode valve, suitable for use in A.C., universal or automobile receivers. The variable mu characteristic eliminates the possibility of cross modulation or modulation distortion occurring
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MIM 105
Abstract: brimar
Text: POWER TRIODE TYPE P.A.l The BRIMAR P.A.l is an indirectly heated power output valve capable of supplying sufficient power to operate a moving coil speaker, with an input grid swing of 7'5 volts R.M .S. This sensitivity compares very favourably with that of
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IF transformer
Abstract: "IF transformer" brimar Scans-0017301
Text: HEPTODE FREQUENCY CHANGER TYPE 15D.1 The BRIMAR 15D.1 is an indirectly heated frequency changer of the heptode or pentagrid type suitable for use in A.C. Universal or Automobile receivers. It is designed to perform simultaneously the functions of mixer and oscillator in receivers of the super
OCR Scan
Brimar 7d6
Abstract: catalogue of heater Brimar 7a3 brimar
Text: HIGH SLOPE POWER PENTODES TYPES 7A.3, 7D.6 and 7D.8 T he BRIMAR 7A.3, 7D.6, and 7D.8, are indirectly heated high slope power pentodes covering the whole range of requirements for A.C., universal and automobile receivers respectively. The sensitivity is such that with an input of 2.0 volts
OCR Scan
Abstract: Brimar rectifier SPACE HEATER valves Brimar R2
Text: RECTIFIER VALVES TYPES R .l, R.2, R.3, 1A.7 These BRIMAR rectifiers are all of the indirectly heated type, designed to give a long and useful life. Owing to the fact that these valves heat up at the same speed as the receiving valves, no undue voltage strain is thrown on the smoothing circuits, as is experienced
OCR Scan
Abstract: 6v6g Brimar 6v6g CV2136 6V6G/GT I960 brimar 6V6G GT 6bw61
Text: BRIMAR 6BW 6 VALVES C u r r e n t E q u ip m e n t T y p e MAX 2i MAX TYPE 6BW6 MINIATURE OUTPUT BEAM TETRODE TTÏT The B R IM A R type 6B W 6 is a B9A N oval based output beam tetrode, the characteristics and ratings of which are identical to those of the 6V 6G /G T. It is
OCR Scan
Brimar* cv4068
Abstract: Brimar cv4068 Brimar CV4068
Text: BRIMAR VALVES TYPE 6158 M AX TRUSTW ORTHY I DOUBLE TRIODE I' -16* MAX Medium Mu rrsr The B R IM A R type 6158 is an indirectly-heated double triode, having a rigid structure to reduce microphony. It is particularly suitable as a D.C. amplifier due to its stable characteristics.
OCR Scan
Abstract: electrometer Brimar 13D3 GM-100 thermistor i222 brimar stc thermistor
Text: BRIMAR 6BS7 VALVES i22-2mm H.875 in. LO W M ICRO PHO N Y AMPLIFIER PENTODE 55-6mm 2188 in. max B9 A Base, C T I Cap G EN ERA L This valve is a screened pentode intended for use where low A.F. noise, m icrophony and hum are required, as in early stages of high gain A.F. amplifiers. The control grid is
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Brimar 13D3
GM-100 thermistor
stc thermistor
Abstract: brimar Scans-0017259 7a2 diode
Text: DOUBLE DIODE TRIODE TYPE 11D.3 The BRIMAR 11D.3 is an indirectly heated double diode triode valve suitable for use in A.C., universal or automobile receivers. It is designed for performing simultaneously the functions of automatic volume control, detection and amplification.
OCR Scan
Abstract: brimar Scans-0017301 Heptode
Text: HEPTODE FREQUENCY CHANGER TYPE 15A.2 The BRIMAR 15A.2 is an indirectly heated frequency changer of the heptode or pentagrid type, designed to perform simultaneously the functions of mixer and oscillator in receivers of the super-heterodyne class. These functions are accomplished in a single valve comprising a
OCR Scan
Abstract: Brimar cathode ray Scans-001806
Text: THE TUNOGRAPH The BRIMAR “ Tunograph” is essentially a visual resonance indicator, and as such can be used in a radio receiver to facilitate and indicate correct tuning. In receivers employing automatic volume control, many people experience considerable difficulty in tuning ac
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cathode ray
EZ80 rectifier
Abstract: CONDENSER SH300A 6v4 ez80 H300 brimar Brimar rectifier IU400
Text: [180/ 6V4 C u r r e n t E q u ip m e n t T y p e MAX TYPE EZ80/6V4 MINIATURE z i' MA X FULL-WAVE RECTIFIER im Heater Voltage Heater C u rre n t . . . . . 6.3 volts 0.6 amp. R A T IN G S
OCR Scan
EZ80 rectifier
6v4 ez80
Brimar rectifier
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: im In d u stria l T yp e r - 2 " - 4 MAX TYPE 7032 GATING HEPTODE t « n . 2 P's J 0 0 uni I The B RIM A R 7032 is a m iniature heptode with short grid base characteristics on grid 1 and grid 3. It is of Tru stw orth y construction and is intended for use
OCR Scan
Abstract: 5Y3G SY3GT Brimar rectifier CONDENSER FULL WAVE RECTIFIER brimar
Text: mcT Current Equipment Type TYPE ? 2 5Y3GT rvKO OU O CTAL BASE FULL-W AVE RECTIFIER Ü "m axj Th e B R IM A R type 5 Y 3 G T is a dire ctly heated full-w ave rectifier fo r A .C . mains e q uip m e nt o f m oderate p o w e r req uirem ents. R A T IN G S Filam ent V o ltage
OCR Scan
Abstract: 6BR7 brimar
Text: 6BSÏ In d u s tria l T y p e 7 1- 8 - 1 MAX 3' 16 M|X. TYPE 6BS7 MINIATURE LO W MICROPHONY AMPLIFIER PENTODE B9A Noval Base The B RIM A R type 6BS7 has been specially designed for use in the early stages of high gain A .F. amplifiers. Its extrem ely rigid construction ensures very low
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Abstract: brimar
Text: 6AM4 C u rre n t E q u ip m e n t T y p e TYPE 6AM4 a : MINIATURE "~7 GROUNDED GRID 1ÎTTT _ AMPLIFIER ï TRIODE The B R IM A R 6 A M 4 is a m in ia tu re B9A based tr io d e s u ita b le fo r g ro u n d e d g rid a m p lifie r o r m ix e r use in th e fre q u e n c y range 470 to 890 Me/s.
OCR Scan
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: 14PM C u r r e n t E q u ip m e n t T y p e a2 TYPE CI4PM B12A (DUODECAL BASE KEY The B R IM A R C14PM is a rectangular 70 deflection angle teletube w ith electrostatic focus, an ion trap, aluminised screen and external conductive coating. The screen colour is white, w ith a grey glass faceplate w ith a
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