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    LH0080A SHARP Search Results

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    LH0080A SHARP

    Abstract: LH0080A Z80A-CPU Sharp LH0080A Z80A Z80ACPU sharp z80 Z80-CPU LH-0080A Z80CPU
    Text: r PAOE MODEL No. LH-0080 /LH0080A *? 1 Scope The following covers logic, electric, packaging and crating specifications for LH-0080 and LH-0080A 8 -bit microprocessors. The LH-0080A is a'high speed microprocessor with an upper frequency limit of 4MHz. Paragraphs 1 to 5 cover logic specifications common to both the

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    PDF LH-0080 /LH0080A LH-0080A LH-0080A. LH-0080, LH0080A SHARP LH0080A Z80A-CPU Sharp LH0080A Z80A Z80ACPU sharp z80 Z80-CPU Z80CPU


    Abstract: LH0080A Sharp LH0080A lh0080 IN5711 Mostek MK3880 Z80B K1160a TTL 814 MK3880-4
    Text: CHAMPION TECHN0L0GIES_XNC_ 2].E D 1—ir tea Lmmm* Mm m *J Ê O tï EÜ5M552 0GDQ51S 7 T~SQ~cZ3 ' K1160AA Dual Output J U a T echnologies, in c . t • « C r y / t o l C l o c k Oscillators 2.4576 MHz to 10.0000 MHz MOS TTL output at twice MOS frequency

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    PDF SD5M555 K1160AAâ Z8000A MK3880-4, MK3880-6, LH0080A, AMZ8000, /7PD780C-1, K1160AA 2024E52 K1160AA LH0080A Sharp LH0080A lh0080 IN5711 Mostek MK3880 Z80B K1160a TTL 814 MK3880-4

    Sharp LH0080A

    Abstract: IN4148 equivalent LH0080A MK3880-4 Mostek MK3880
    Text: MZO S e r ie s NMOS C lock O s c il l a t o r s W it h O p t io n a l TTL A u x il ia r y O utputs M-tron MZO oscillators are designed to drive Zilog Z80A, Z-80B, Z8000-type or equivalent 8-bit and 16-bit microprocessors - such as the Mostek MK3880-4 and -6,

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    PDF Z-80B, Z8000-type 16-bit MK3880-4 LH0080A, AMZ8000, NECpPD780C-1. 150pF IN4148 Sharp LH0080A IN4148 equivalent LH0080A Mostek MK3880

    Sharp IXD 067

    Abstract: IXD 067 LH0080A LH0080A SHARP Z80B-CPU sharp z80 Sharp LH0080A LH0080 Z80E Z80B
    Text: LH0080 Z80 CPU Central Processing Unit LH0080 • Z80 CPU Central Processing Unit Description Pin Connections The L H 0 0 8 0 Z 8 0 CPU Z 80 CPU for sh ort be­ low is a g e n e r a l-p u r p o se 8 - b i t m icrop rocessor fabricated usin g an N -chan nel silic o n -g a te process.

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    PDF LH0080 LH0080 LH0080A LH0080B LH0080E Sharp IXD 067 IXD 067 LH0080A SHARP Z80B-CPU sharp z80 Sharp LH0080A Z80E Z80B